5 Opportunities Sitting in Your Book of Business

About a year ago, I gave a presentation on linked benefit solutions for a group of top advisors in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I started by asking, “How many of you have written a linked benefit case or think you have at least five clients who fit the profile for a linked benefit solution?” Only three advisors raised their hands …

But, as I walked through my presentation, many of them started writing on the handouts I provided. I explained that as our clients age, their needs and goals change as well. With a linked benefit solution, they can leverage a pool of benefits for long-term care if their health becomes compromised, or they can provide a death benefit for their beneficiaries if they don’t need care. Plus, many clients can use existing assets to fund these solutions! I gave the advisors several examples.

At the end of my presentation, I asked the same question … This time, every advisor in the room raised their hand!

I challenged the advisors to find at least one existing client who fits each scenario I discussed – I challenge you to do the same. If you have just one client to fit each of the profiles below, you can take your practice to a new level while helping your clients protect their retirement nest eggs.

You probably have a client who …

  1. Has an existing cash value life insurance policy
  2. Is taking required minimum distributions they don’t need for income
  3. Has an existing nonqualified annuity they don’t need for income
  4. Who says, “If I need care, I will spend down some of the money I have sitting idle at the bank (CDs, excess savings, etc.)”
  5. Has qualified funds they don’t need for income

If you have clients who fit any of the above scenarios, you have opportunities for linked benefit solutions within your existing book of business. Isn’t it much easier to talk with a client who already trusts you rather than going out and positioning a solution to a prospect that you haven’t yet built a relationship with?!

Help your clients “repurpose” an existing asset in order to protect the rest of their portfolio. Your LTC Marketing Team at Ash Brokerage is ready to help you implement linked benefit solutions within your practice. We’ll help you grow your book of business and protect everything your clients have worked so hard to accumulate over their working years.

About the Author

Mickey Belt has been in the insurance industry for about four years and has been able to assist many advisors with incorporating LTC planning in their practices. He views LTC planning as a value-added service that advisors can provide to their clients to protect their assets. Mickey is currently working his way through the Financial Services Certified Professional® designation through The American College.